Tuesday, August 11, 2020

How Linksys Extender setup RE7000

Linksys Extender setup RE7000 

The Linksys Extender setup re7000 is possible through range extender mode.

So let us know about:

Linksys re7000 setup through Range Extender mode

Before starting with the setup procedure, be aware that you have the following requirements:-

An active as well as strong  2.4 GHz or 5 GHz Wi-Fi connection

Router with proper WiFi settings, which includes the Wi-Fi name and password.

Now let’s start with the Linksys Extender setup re7000:


Step 1:

Firstly, properly plug the Linksys extender into a power socket.

IMPORTANT:  Wait until the light change to orange. 

Step 2:

 Now, using a computer or a mobile device, connect your device to the Linksys RE7000’s default Wi-Fi name. You should be connected to this Wi-Fi, to begin with the setup process.

Step 3:

Open the web browser either in your mobile phone or computer and then type "http://extender.linksys.com" or type "" in the Address bar.

Once you are done, press ENTER to begin the Linksys re7000 Setup. 

Step 4:

 Now, click on Start Setup.

Step 5:

Then, create an admin password and password hint.

Once you have Created both the passwords then tap on thesave button.

 Step 6:

Select the As a wireless range extender option and then tap on Next.

 Step 7:

Now, select the existing Wi-Fi available and then type the password. 

NOTE:  If you have a dual-band network, you should see the (WiFi name) SSID of both bands.

QUICK TIP:  If you have a hidden SSID, then tap on Manually Enter Network Name and Password. 

Step 8:

Now, its time to create your extended network SSIDs (WiFi name) and password.

 Step 9:

The Spot Finder page will appear on Range Extender mode.

This page will judge the signal strength between your RE7000 range extender and your router. 

If it is highlighting as too far or too close then unplug your extender and move it accordingly and then again begin with step 1.

It should blink at Just Right which will define that the location of the extender is just perfect.

 Step 10:

 Now, your Linksys extender will itself check for the latest available firmware and upgrade it accordingly.


Your Linksys re7000setup is successful in Range Extender mode.


When your Linksys RE7000 is in Range Extender mode, at that time the top header will read Dual-Band Wireless Range Extender. 

After the proper Linksys re7000 setup, you can login to the web-based setup page to see the updated top header name. 

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